Add 'Favorite workflows' item to main menu


My suggestion is to add new item to the main menu. The item could be named ‘Favorite workflows’ and would be dedicated for favorite workflows. It could look like this:

‘Recent’ item offers recently used workflow, however the list might be quite long.
There is the full structure of folders and workflows behind ‘Local space’ and ‘KNIME Community Hub’ items.
‘Favorite workflows’ item could provide quick access to selected workflows, no matter when there have been used recently or where they are stored.

The three main features related to ‘Favorite workflows’ could be:

  1. Add workflow to ‘Favorite workflows’.
  2. Remove workflow from ‘Favorite workflows’.
  3. Change the sequence of workflows in ‘Favorite workflows’.

Happy KNIMEing!

I think your idea is great. In fact, favorite node also needs such a centralized management place.

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Hi @Kazimierz , I have voted for this as it is something I feel very strongly would be useful. I am always in favour of any functionality that enables us to return quickly to our past work without the burden of “remembering” or “excessive clicks”. I’m “old-fashioned” in that way :wink:

I actually raised something similar as a suggestion, but it was during the “community hacking” event for the 5.4 release, and therefore not in the public forum, so glad to see somebody else requesting this too.

This was what I wrote:

@DanielBog replied to me as follows:

So linking that in here, and hopeful a +1 (and your ideas) can be added to ticket NXT-3119 :slight_smile:

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