AI Road Map

Building a KNIME Workflow for Data Analysis and AI Integration.
My Roadmap:
1.Automated data analysis from multiple sources
-Manage and analyze large volumes of data from various sources, such as PDF files, Excel, CSV, and raw data from navigation systems.

2Clean, structure, and preprocess data to ensure accuracy and consistency.
-Processing bathymetric maps and geospatial data

  1. Analyze technical data like bathymetric maps and GIS coordinates, -integrating tools like KNIME Geospatial Analytics.

4. Creation of intelligent reports
Automate the generation of reports based on historical procedures, adapting them to new projects and ensuring accuracy and speed in producing technical documentation.

5.AI model integration
-Incorporate AI models to answer technical client queries in real-time, leveraging on-site collected data and documented historical procedures.

6.Creation of intelligent reports
-Automate the generation of reports based on historical procedures, adapting them to new projects and ensuring accuracy and speed in producing technical documentation.

7.AI-driven decision support
-Use KNIME and AI integration to provide real-time suggestions during field operations, adapting to current conditions and acquired data.

I know that my roadmap is very ambitious, but I wanted to share it with you to find out if it’s feasible and to receive suggestions, advice, and help from the community

Sounds good! Would be great if you can share the progress you make