Annotation Custom Border Colors Reset after Reopening KNIME

I really like the custom border and background color feature for annotations in KNIME! It helps me a lot to create workflows that are well perceived by co-workers. To improve this further, I started defining custom colors which relate to the corporate identity colors. The issue I am facing is that the custom colors are always reset after reopening KNIME:

This means quite a lot of maintenance for this actually very great feature, and I will never use more than a few custom colors, knowing that they will be discarded after a KNIME restart. It also seems more like a bug, compared to how other products handle this.

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Sorry you’re running into this. It “shouldn’t” be forgetting those - and it’s unfortunately platform dependent; i’ll take a look at this - Win10 or Win7 or Win_?

Ahh great, I hoped it would be only a bug!

It’s on Win 10 :innocent:

I was able to verify the issue on Win10 and have made a bug report for it ( internal readers: AP-12978 ). Sorry again for the problems.


No worries, we all do our best :slight_smile: thank you for this awesome software! And also thank you for dealing so fast with this!

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I’ve committed a fix for this which should make the upcoming 4.1.0 release.


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