AutoML - All Models Post Process Component Failing

@rdlc1 I think the issue is, that the current combination of packages for the KNIME nodes and Deep Learning on Apple Silicon is not there. The packages currently required are older and for M1/m2 only newer versions are available.

I was not able to find a working combination of slightly newer packages to get all functions to work with Apple Silicon. I think KNIME would have to rework the nodes to fit to the newer versions of Keras and Tensorflow.

My impression is that is also due to quite dynamic developments in these packages and changes in the way some basic structures are used and communicated and where the nodes might have to be adapted.

Only solution I would see is to just use a Python node and do all the coding by hand - which sort of defeats the idea of low code unfortunately.

Also the installation descriptions might need some updates since there seem to be several cross-references that are not always on point. If the automatic installation is working it is OK - otherwise you have to search for yourself (hence the article).

As mentioned: You can see all the YAML files and settings by extracting them from the KNIME installation :slight_smile: - you could try and follow the versions and packages but I do not think this is currently possible for Apple Silicon (or I was too stupid doing it).

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