Hi Jan,
Nice approach. I like it.
Yes we did moved a bit from topic but tnx for detailed explanation. Believe someone might find it pretty useful in their work/design.
Couple if points/comments:
- There is (Global) Timer Info node which can help find possible bottlenecks - for example you can do a report after execution is done and even some visualization of duration over time
- new DB Integration nodes are coming out - plan is for them to be production ready in summer release (they are already in LABs for test). Believe this is a major one and should bring a lot of feature and performance upgrades
- Feel free to share your opinion/ideas on logging in a separate topic. Additionally KNIME 3.8 version brings less verbose logging - changelog
- regarding feature requests for troubleshooting here are two similar/same topics:
How Can I print a message to Knime Console from Java Snippet?
Search a Node in a Knime Workflow by Id (Goto & focus a Node by ID)