BUG Xpath return missing

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://kni.me/w/lGLFj-EdlfaDurxa

Related bug report

Example XML with missing values

		<child ID="Classification root" ParentID="">
			<Name>Classification root</Name>
		<child ID="child1" ParentID="">
			<Name>Inactive child</Name>
				<value AttributeID="PartOfContext"/>
		<child ID="grand-child1-1" ParentID="child1">
			<Name>Inactive grand-child 1.1</Name>
				<value AttributeID="PartOfContext"/>
		<child ID="child2" ParentID="Classification root">
			<Name>Active child 2</Name>
				<value AttributeID="PartOfContext">Yes</value>
		<child ID="grand-child2-1" ParentID="child2">
			<Name>Inactive grand-child 2.1</Name>
				<value AttributeID="PartOfContext">Yes</value>

Expected results

ID Parent ID PartOfContext
Classification root ? ?
child1 Classification root ?
grand-child1-1 child1 ?
child2 Classification root Yes
grand-child2-1 child2 Yes

Given result

ID Parent ID PartOfContext
Classification root child1 Yes
child1 Classification root Yes
grand-child1-1 child2 ?
child2 ? ?
grand-child2-1 ? ?