Cannot convert String to XML

Helo good people,

I had trouble to convert string to XML. I have used string to XML node but there is something wrong. The massage from console are “Cell in row:“Row0” and column “column1” could not be parsed: Attribute name “itemscope” associated with an element type “td” must be followed by the ’ = ’ character. Add missing value.”

Here the string that I want to convert to XML:

Thank you,

Hello @umutcankurt,

I have tried the workflow that you’ve attached. But, it cannot worked when I change the data.
I guest that I wrong on the data but I don’t know what wrong exactly the data are.

The important thing here is the xpath plugins for google chorme browser to accurately identify the point where the data is located, through which they can pinpoint the exact location.

where the data you want to retrieve passes

The important thing here is the xpath plugins for google chorme browser to accurately identify the point where the data is located, through which they can pinpoint the exact location.

where the data you want to retrieve passes

on the other hand will help me or someone else add a copy of the workflow here. pointing to the data you want to get


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Hi @Nanda_Rukmana,

Please take a look at this solution by @qqilihq:



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