Cannot Run Workflow w/ Python Script Node from Command Line

I’m able to run workflows from the macOS command line that do not have Python Script nodes; however, I get the following error when running a workflow with a Python Script node:

ERROR	 KNIME-Worker-1-Python Script 3:137 Node	 Execute failed: Could not start Python. There are problems with your Python environment:
Could not start Python executable at the given location (no_conda_environment_selected/bin/python): Cannot run program "no_conda_environment_selected/bin/python": error=2, No such file or directory
org.knime.python2.kernel.PythonInstallationTestException: Could not start Python. There are problems with your Python environment:
Could not start Python executable at the given location (no_conda_environment_selected/bin/python): Cannot run program "no_conda_environment_selected/bin/python": error=2, No such file or directory

The environment that KNIME created (py3_knime) is in the preferences, and “Python version to use” is set to 3.

The same workflow w/ the Python Script node runs as expected when run from within KNIME.

Does anyone have any experience with this or any ideas on how to fix or workaround it?


Batch mode allows to add the preferences file as an argument. Maybe you could try to add that

Thanks, Daniel. I’ll look into adding the .epf file as an argument.

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