Cannot use R in Knime

I’m using Knime 3.6.1. I’ve installed KNIME R Integration extension and chose the home path as C:\Program Files\R\R-3.4.4. Meanwhile I ran Rstudio and Rserve package. However getting this as follows:

Cannot determine major version of R. Please check the R installation defined in the KNIME preferences.

What should I do to solve this issue? Thanks in advance,

Hi @ksenkaya,
I am very sorry for the late reply, your post got lost somehow. Do you still have trouble with using R in KNIME?

Yes, unfortunately could`t fine any solution.

Hi @ksenkaya
Do you have both the KNIME Interactive R Statistics Integraition and the KNIME R Statistics Integration (Windows Binaries) installed?

If this is the case, try resetting your R home setting to the default, so that it uses the R installation shipped with the plugin.


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