Can't add Vernalis nodes to new KNIME install

I’ve just installed KNIME (3.7.0) on a new computer. In trying to install the extensions I need, I found that I can’t install the Vernalis cheminformatics nodes. (More specifically, they seem to install, but loading a workflow containing some of those nodes says they are missing, and any subsequent attempt to install the nodes fails.)

I found that the problem seems to be that the install site for 3.7 ( contains only an old version of the Vernalis nodes (1.12.0.v201708101336). After adding the older update site ( I was able to install a newer version (1.17.3.v201808160901), which works normally.

Hi Zambernardi,

Thank you for pointing the issue. I passed it to our developers and we will correct the update site asap.


Thanks @daria.goldmann. Please do contact us directly if you run into problems with that.


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Steve, the problem is that there are currently test failures with the 3.7. build and therefore it does not get published.

Thanks @thor - We will try to get to the bottom of this today.


This is now fixed. The community update job, which I think publishes our update to the trusted contributions update site (@thor can correct me if I’m wrong on that!) should complete in around 10 minutes time.



I´m experiencing the same with Knime 4.0.
On my Windows Server 2016 installation the Vernalis installation is not working. It apparently has been installed, but an error occurs when the Knime is loading/starting, only showing error messages in the log. In other hand, on my Windows 10 installation it has worked fine.


s Aldo

There was another thread over at:

which might help. Could you confirm the version of Vernalis nodes you have installed, and also if you have the RDKit nodes installed, which version of those?


Hi Steve,

On Windows Server running Knime 3.7 where the upgrade to version 4.0 did not work it has the following:
Vernalis version 1.20.4.v201907091449 and;
RDKit is not installed.

On my local computer, which was perfectly upgraded, it has the following:
Vernalis version 1.20.4.v201907091450
RDKit is not installed.

Kind regards,

s Aldo

Thats very strange - I’ve checked, and there are no differences between the various versions (3.7, 4.0, nightly) at present.

Could you look in the plugins directory within the knime installation directory, and see what you have by way of folders starting org.rdkit.knime, e.g:



Thank you for your answer and explanation.
Here they are…
Server files (3.7):

Local (4.0):

s Aldo

Thanks - that all looks OK. Could you show the log error for the server? (It will be a week or two before I can get back to you on this now, but if you leave a copy of the errors here I will pick them up when I’m back)


See the log below:
ERROR RDKitTypesPluginActivator Could not load native RDKit library: C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\org.rdkit.knime.bin.win32.x86_64_3.8.0.v201906261723\os\win32\x86_64\boost_serialization-vc140-mt-1_65_1.dll: Can’t find dependent libraries
ERROR RDKitTypesPluginActivator Loading of library boost_serialization-vc140-mt-1_65_1.dll failed: C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\org.rdkit.knime.bin.win32.x86_64_3.8.0.v201906261723\os\win32\x86_64\boost_serialization-vc140-mt-1_65_1.dll: Can’t find dependent libraries
ERROR RDKitTypesPluginActivator The library boost_serialization-vc140-mt-1_65_1.dll is missing.
ERROR RDKitTypesPluginActivator Loading of library boost_iostreams-vc140-mt-1_65_1.dll failed (possibly a subsequent error): C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\org.rdkit.knime.bin.win32.x86_64_3.8.0.v201906261723\os\win32\x86_64\boost_iostreams-vc140-mt-1_65_1.dll: Can’t find dependent libraries
ERROR RDKitTypesPluginActivator The library boost_iostreams-vc140-mt-1_65_1.dll is missing.
ERROR RDKitTypesPluginActivator Loading of library boost_system-vc140-mt-1_65_1.dll failed (possibly a subsequent error): C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\org.rdkit.knime.bin.win32.x86_64_3.8.0.v201906261723\os\win32\x86_64\boost_system-vc140-mt-1_65_1.dll: Can’t find dependent libraries
ERROR RDKitTypesPluginActivator The library boost_system-vc140-mt-1_65_1.dll is missing.
ERROR RDKitTypesPluginActivator Loading of library GraphMolWrap.dll failed (possibly a subsequent error): C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\org.rdkit.knime.bin.win32.x86_64_3.8.0.v201906261723\os\win32\x86_64\GraphMolWrap.dll: Can’t find dependent libraries
ERROR RDKitTypesPluginActivator The library GraphMolWrap.dll is missing.
ERROR RDKitTypesPluginActivator Suggestion for fix: Please install the VS2017 Redistributables from and then restart KNIME.
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.loop.CutTypeLoopStartNodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.loop.CutTypeLoopStartNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.uniquifyids.UniquifyIdsNodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.uniquifyids.UniquifyIdsNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.maxcuts.rdkit.RDKitMMPMaxCutsNodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.maxcuts.rdkit.RDKitMMPMaxCutsNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.filter.rdkit.RDKitMMPFilterNodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.filter.rdkit.RDKitMMPFilterNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.filter.rdkit.RDKitMMPSplitterNodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.filter.rdkit.RDKitMMPSplitterNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.fragment.rdkit.RDKitMMPFragmentNodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.fragment.rdkit.RDKitMMPFragmentNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.fragment.rdkit.RDKitMulticutMMPFragmentNodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.fragment.rdkit.RDKitMulticutMMPFragmentNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.pairgen.frag2pair.Frag2Pair3NodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.pairgen.frag2pair.Frag2Pair3NodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.pairgen.frag2pair.ReferenceFrag2Pair3NodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.pairgen.frag2pair.ReferenceFrag2Pair3NodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.render.rdkit.RDKitMMPRenderMatchingBondsNodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.render.rdkit.RDKitMMPRenderMatchingBondsNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.render.rdkit.RDKitMMPRenderCuttableBondsNodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.fragutil.render.rdkit.RDKitMMPRenderCuttableBondsNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.transform.rdkit.RWMolApplyTransformNodeFactory’ from plugin ‘com.vernalis.knime.chem.mmp’ could not be created: Can’t load factory class for node: com.vernalis.knime.mmp.nodes.transform.rdkit.RWMolApplyTransformNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!

Kind regards,

s Aldo

Did you try the suggested fix already?


@thor, thank you!
It works very fine.

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