Can't install extensions

Hi everyone,

I’m new to Knime, I have tried to install a few extensions, but I’m always getting the same error :

    An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=KNIMEProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,javax.xml.rpc,1.1.0.v201209140446
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.knime.base.pmml,3.7.0.v201811301451
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.knime.features.base.pmml,3.7.0.v201811301451

I have tried different method, installing from “install a new Knime extensions”, NodePit, and “Install a new Software”. I even uninstalled and reinstalled Knime.

I was able to install NodePit, but I can’t install an extensions from it.

Has anyone faced this error and found a solution?

Thanks for your help!

Hi @Eparadis,

Hard to say what’s going wrong here. Could you please provide some more information:

  • What KNIME version are you using? On Mac you can find this information by clicking on KNIME → About KNIME. Current version is 3.7.1.

  • What update site do you currently have configured? On Mac you can find this information by clicking on KNIME → Preferences... → Install/Update → Available Software Sites. What is listed there?

  • What extension do you want to install? How do you install it? Via KNIME or NodePit?

– Daniel

Hi Daniel,

  • My version is 3.7.1 and i’m trying to use the location :

  • I get the error for all the extensions i’m trying to install, in this case it’s the KNIME Report Designer

  • I get the error both from Knime and NodePit

Thank you,

Hi @Eparadis,

Well. This is strange. Right now, I am clueless. The feature/plugin that KNIME is complaining about is hosted with this version on the update site I was able to install plugins.

You might deactivate all update sites from the above mentioned menu KNIME → Preferences... → Install/Update → Available Software Sites for now and try it again. Maybe hitting Reload... on the entry might be also worth a try.

Anybody from KNIME, who can help out with this?

– Daniel

Hi there!

If the problem still persists can you try installing some extension from a local zip file?

Follow the last paragraph on following link:


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It would be great if KNIME could provide a list of update sites or even upload an XML file with the update sites corresponding to each KNIME version.