Can't override configuration node value of component with flow variable

Hi. I have a component that contains a Double Configuration node. I would like to override the value that would ordinarily be assigned to the Double Configuration node’s output variable when the user manually enters a double value, with the value from a flow variable instead. However when I open the Flow variable tab, there’s a possibility to override the default value but not the entered value (i.e. the value assigned to the Double Configuration node’s output variable).

Am I missing something or is this not possible?

I attached a sample workflow illustrating the problem. In the example I would like to override the value of the selectionFrequency variable (the output variable of the Double Configuration node in the “Randomly Select Positions component”) with the value of the “frequency” flow variable which is fed to the component from a Java Edit Variable node (for the sake of illustrating the problem).

I’m using KNIME 4.1.2

Cant override Config node.knwf (17.8 KB)

Hi @dnaki,

You can do that by assigning the “frequency” variable to the “double” option under “selectionFrequency-19” in the Flow Variables tab of the Component’s configurations.



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