Chunk start loop executes faster than the user interface reflects

I have an operation where I write records to the database within a loop, and recently I found that while my loop is still on the prefinal execution (I did a step loop execution), the final iteration already took place.

There is no other way that the data could have been processed and written to the database, so it really must have happened in the loop.

Is it possible that the chunk start loop is actually running iterations in parallel?

Hello @Zvereec1,

very unlikely (and would say it’s a bug) if you are doing Step Loop Execution and it’s executing in advance :slight_smile:

Something else is going on here but hard to tell. Someone else is writing data into database? You are accidentally writing data into db without being aware of it? You are testing and didn’t delete data from last test…



That was my hypothesis as well, but I ruled out that anyone else was doing it by entering very specific test data.

Plus it always happens while one of the latest iterations is performing another operation that takes quite long.

I suspect that this long-running operation is what is causing it, I will try to reproduce it using a timer and post an example. Any idea what kind of example I could use to show that an iteration already ran before the step loop got there?

Hello @Zvereec1,

share picture of your design or workflow even better. Use file database like SQLite so we can run it as well.
