Cluster with binary variables

Hi all. I have a data with 4 continuous variables and 7 categorical variables. My goal is to make some clusters to explain some profiles. I cant use k-means. Can anyone help me what function do i use to do this?

Dear Marco Aurelio,

I would point you to the available clustering nodes in KNIME Analytics Platform. 

As you can see, there are number of clustering algorithm available.

Actually, I think that the use of the appropriate clustering algorithm is really dependents on the type of data and the application domain that you are working on. For this reason I think that I can't give you a good answer for which is most appropriate.



Good question. I have the same problem. For sure I can't use K-mean because of binary variables.

What are the clustering alghorithms that I can use to manage both numerical and binary data?

Do I still need to do normalization before? What kind?

Thanks in advance



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