Color assignment problems.

Good morning @VAGR_ISK,

the color management in Knime certainly is improvable in many ways. I frequently face the challenge to consistently and dynamically manage colors in large workflows too. Just recently I had an idea and did a quick test.

With your post I took the change to create aa sample workflow that displays how manage colors in a more consistent manner throughout the workflow and in a dynamic fashion to

The following example workflow allows to:

  1. Reintroduce colors if they got lost
  2. Allows to save color data temporarily and load it dynamically elsewhere in the workflow
  3. Reduced workflow complexity by not having to pass the color table down the workflow to merge it back with the data

Since I struggle a bit to imagine your workflow, do you mind to share it so we can combine yours and mine for a solid solution?

Also worth to note that I potentially discovered two bugs. I will create corresponding bug reports and link them here so you can vote for them to get fixed.

Edit: Here are the two bugs you might want to upvote too:
