Column Expression AND OR with conditional

Hi everyone, I am using the Column Expressions node to make a conditional using other columns. Basically, I want to change COLUMN_A by “A” when 3 conditions are meet (see image).

I was using this expression but is not working

if(length(string(column("ID"))) == 10 & (left(string(column("ID")),1) === "8" | left(string(column("ID")),1) === "9") & column("COLUMN_B") === "Z" )  {

I am also attaching the workflow.


Column Expressions Question.knwf (12.1 KB)

Column expression uses Java syntax. So, no “===” just “==” equation.

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Hi @izaychik63 thank you for the reply, I did this modification

if(length(string(column("ID"))) == 10 & (left(string(column("ID")),1) == "8" | left(string(column("ID")),1) == "9") & column("COLUMN_B") == "Z" )  {

But it is not working

Thank you

I checked

is 13 not 10.

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