I have a column which contain the name to assing to a set of other columns, how I can automatize the change of name?
Can you provide some more detail about how your data is structured and the outcome you expect? A screenshot would be helpful. Is the name you want to migrate a column header or a data element?
First of all sorry for my limited and bad explanation. By the way meanwhil I find a solution, it is a bit complicate, maybe sharing the problem here you are able to indicate some alternative and more elegant solution.
I prepared a picture which illustrate the problem (see below).
As premise: the problem start from the extraction of information from WORD text previously transformed in TXT and imported via CSV reader.
The solution that I found is the following one:
It seems a bit complicate but it is the best solution that I was able to find.
Actually speaking this work need of further implementation as I have many word files to read and import and collect all together in just one dataset. So I have “to automatize” in some way this process starting from this basic workflow.
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