columns header: multi index columns

Hello Everyone.

I have a excel table with multi index for columns

After importation in Knime I get the following table

Could you help me to maniplulate multi-index in knime .

Thank you for your help

Best regards


Hi @ghizlaine and welcome to the KNIME Community Forum :slight_smile:

Can you please describe a little bit more in detail what you are trying to achieve?

Do you have many different categories like Communication in the first row?
If yes,
would it be then an option to have the values from row 2 combined with the value of row 1 as column header?
If no,
can row 1 be ignored?



Hi @Kathrin ,
Thank you very much for your help ;).
Yes , I have many different categories like Communication in the first row,
Yes the option to have the values from row 2 combined with the value of row 1 as column header is good idea for me.
But I as categories like “Communication” in the first row are merged in excel table, I don’t know how to combine ‘communication’ in all columns C,D,E,F,G,H… and Marketing in column M,N,O…

Thank you in advance for your help

Best regards

Hi @ghizlaine,

you are welcome :slight_smile:

I build a little example workflow for you. Please have a look and let me know in case you have any questions: Column Header Based on Two Rows – KNIME Hub



Hi @Kathrin

Thank you very much , its Great :slight_smile:
Have a nice day