combine data from multiple rows into a single row

Test_Data.xlsx (10.3 KB)

Hi, I want to acheive this functionality how can i do it.
I tried group by and use list and then split column collection.
The challenge i am facing when did that was when split, it loses the column names and also in cases where a UD_SEQ_N is missing, then when split, I am not able to map them correctly

hi @chaithuj ,

You can solve it by using GroupBy node as following steps

  1. Input data

  2. GroupBy node configuration

  1. Final output

Note that in manual aggregation pls uncheck the missing tab. If you want to keep original column names, in column naming option, choose Keep Original names



Thank you @yogesh_nawale
I did the same except in manual aggregation, i was giving it as list

Thanks a lot

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