Combing tables and counts


I have 3 tables to combine
Each table has a list of procedures with the number of each one
There are only two columns in each table
I can use concatenate to combine them
But I have rows with the same text and separate counts
How do I merge rows and counts for the final table?

Hi @leonaa01 - a sample data would be more helpful for anyone here to clarify your doubts.

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Hi Asghar

Thanks for coming back to me


I have just uploaded an example of some rows


You could do GroupBy node. Group it by column 2 and sun column 1.



I tried that it didn’t change anything?


Note that nobody can guess what you’re doing :wink: Please share the config of the groupBy node or even better the workflow in a workable state

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Sorry about that I cant share the workflow as data is confidential

I have added the groupby config

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Did that GroupBy config work for your goal? Seems like it should have.

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Then I’m afraid your data is dirty because the mentioned config is working fine in a test setup.



Thanks for that

Could I ask when you say the data is dirty what do you mean? and what could I do to sort it?

Thanks again

Hi @leonaa01 , “dirty” in this context would mean data that is in some way not quite correct for processing. In this case it could be that you have data containing slightly different spellings, contains different case (e.g. some upper case text, some lower case) or even data with additional space characters on the beginning or end.

For example you have “AKI” (without a question mark), “AKI ?” and “AKI?” (without a space) so these will be treated as different. Likewise you have “Abdominal pain”, “Abdo pain”, “Abdomen pain” (small “p”) and “Abdomen Pain” (capital “P”) which may all be the same thing to you (or maybe they aren’t?), but are all different in terms of data processing.

I gave your screenshot to chatgpt so that your example data is available for copy/paste by anybody wishing to have a crack at assisting here, but essentially what you need to do is “standardise” the Presenting Conditions column.

Count Presenting conditions
1 AKI ?
1 AKI?
1 AKI_dup
1 AMU seated syncope while visiting h...
1 AIR Delirium
1 Abdo pain
1 Abdo pain
1 Abdomen pain
1 Abdomen pain
1 Abdomen pain
1 Abdominal Pain and Vomiting x 3/7
1 Abdominal pain
1 Abdominal pain
1 Abdominal pain
1 Abdominal pain
1 Abnormal LFT

This workflow demonstrates one way of achieving this if you have a relatively small data set that lends itself to such standardisation. The exact mechanism you need to use would largely depend on just how much variation of spellings/terms you have, and the size of the data set.

Standardising text for processing with Value Lookup and String Cleaner.knwf (123.9 KB)

Here, I have just used the String Cleaner to remove any trailing spaces (in case there are any) but there are a whole load more things it can do, such as converting everything to upper/lower case, removing diacritics (e.g. accent/variation of characters), non-printable/symbols and so on.

The Value Lookup can be used to lookup a term based on patterns. In this simple example I’ve used wildcards, but you can also use regex. You just need to make the option available in that node by clicking the “show advanced options” in its config.

The Table Creator is a lookup table such as this:

The end result from the demo workflow is this:

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Thank you so much for your help

I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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