Compatibility with HDP 2.5


are the big data connectors compatible with HDP 2.5 ? (newest version). I found out that they have been tested against 2.1 and 2.2




the "Compatibility" section is a bit conservative since it only states the HDP versions for which KNIME Big Data Connectors have been certified by Hortonworks. Our goal is to recertify for the new and upcoming versions of HDP. For this we will update the included open-source Hive JDBC drivers to the newest version.

The ones we currently include are a little outdated but should still work for Hive 1.2.1 which is part of HDP 2.5. You can also get newer open-source drivers and download them from here (use one of the -standalone jars):

Currently, version 1.2.1000. is the newest driver version for Hive 1.2.1 on HDP 2.5. Adding JDBC drivers to KNIME can be done under File > Preferences > KNIME > Databases.

Also, in the near term we will update our Hive Connector node to detect the presence of the new proprietary Hive JDBC driver that Hortonworks offers for download under in the section called "Hortonworks JDBC Driver for Apache Hive" (use the JDBC 4.1 link). These are proprietary drivers which we unfortunately cannot ship with KNIME. These will work with Hive Connector in about 2-3 weeks.



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