Concatenate files from sharepoint

My mistake. I thought you could do this with the Table Manipulator (and I’m of the obstinate opinion that it should work that way :sweat_smile: ) but in practice what you need is the Column Auto Type Cast node. That should convert types of ? to String.

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I am trying with the node you mentioned but I still get an error :frowning: what could it be? looks like there is just one column that it doesn’t manage to change it

Also is there a way that I don’t need to reset the Microsoft Authentication node every time I run the flow?

Well, what error are you getting now? The same one, or something different? At the same point in the workflow or elsewhere? We need more information to diagnose.

Hi Scott ! I am getting the same error in the same point :frowning:

@Melanie_CH maybe you could tell us what this error message is. Maybe best to provide a Logfile in DEBUG mode:

The error is this one

You need to look carefully at the field that has a type of ?. In particular, WHY does it have that type? What fields are you combining from other datasets that would cause that to happen? Then, backtrack from there to try to solve the issue.

We also can’t see the configuration of the Column Auto Type Cast node to see how you are applying it. In cases like this, it’s better to upload a reproducible example of your workflow using dummy data, instead of screenshots.

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