Count values Problem

Goodnight everyone,

I am starting with knime and I have some knowledge but I am trying to get some values but I am not able. As an example what I am trying to achieve is if for example there is a table that contains values 2,3,4,5,3,2,1,5,6,3,8,9,9,10,11, 13.14 …
I would like a result to be returned to me that would count the values that are greater than 9, which in this case would be 10,11,13,14 and a value of 4 would have to be returned.

I have some ideas in my head but I don’t know if I should use an IF or a Value counter … I would appreciate if someone could give me an example.

Thank you

What does this mean, exactly?
How does the table actually look? Are these values all in one cell? one row? one column? something else?

I have some ideas in my head but I don’t know if I should use an IF or a Value counter … I would appreciate if someone could give me an example.

What did you actually try? Keeping the ideas in your head isn’t really useful. KNIME makes it easy to try different approaches to solve a problem, and a huge part of learning and working with KNIME is trying lots of different things.

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Thanks for answer.

I have some lever for understand, but just this.

What I mean is that I am doing a simulation of an analysis of some data from a company.
We imagine that some employees have answered a question with a likert scale from 1 to 10 and different results come out, such as 3,4,5,6,8,9,8,6 … then I would like to know the number of people who answered numbers greater than 5 which in this case would be the answers of 6,8,9,8,6 and would give a result of 5.

I have thought and tried but I am blocked … I would like to see an example of some workflow for me to adapt it. I don’t know if maybe I should use an IF and put the sentence higher than 5 and then a value count.

I feel like we’re just going in circles. The questions in my previous post were intended to give you an opportunity to share key details that would allow folks here to help you most efficiently.

We imagine that some employees have answered a question with a likert scale from 1 to 10 and different results come out, such as 3,4,5,6,8,9,8,6 …

This doesn’t really tell me what I need to know. So, once again, what does the table actually look like?
We can’t give you a helpful example workflow if we don’t know what data you’re working with.

I have thought and tried but I am blocked

Again, what did you try? This is a learning opportunity for all of us. If you tell us what you did, then 1) the chances of us wasting time on approaches you’ve already tried are greatly reduced, and/or 2) we can try to figure out where things went wrong.

I don’t know if maybe I should use an IF and put the sentence higher than 5 and then a value count.

All I can say is to try it and see what happens.

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I have been asking for help because I am not a noob not a professional, I am Spanish and I explain myself in English in the way I can.

The data is randomly generated because I am learning how to use knime. The table has 150 values that go from 1 to 10 and if it were with other software it would make an IF and inside use a count that counts values … using knime nodes I don’t know how to raise it.


I think that your English is good.

I’m just trying to get an idea of what your data looks like, but you’re not providing those answers.
I try not to assume anything. And in this case, I still don’t know if you have

  • a unique individual per row, and 150 columns with a single number in each cell
  • a unique individual per row, and a single column with 150 values per cell
  • a unique individual per column, and 150 rows with a single number in each cell
  • a unique individual per column and 1 row with 150 values per cell

When asking for help here, it’s best if you can provide as much information as possible, including example data and/or a workflow. It’s also helpful if you detail what you’ve tried.

Here’s a workflow:

The table contains 5 person’s responses to 12 questions on a scale of 1-10.

The workflow calculates, for each person, how many responses are higher than 5. I first unpivot the data, then use a Rule Engine node to do the comparison. If the response is higher than the threshold, then that row gets tagged with a 1.

Then I use the GroupBy node to calculate the sum of all the tags for each individual.


Because I don’t know what data you’re working with, this workflow may not be applicable to your case.


More or less is what I’m searching. I will try this workflow this Sunday or Monday.

I couldn’t before because I have too much work.

I wanted to answer because I really appreciate your help.

Thank you

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Great to have you here and English is from my experience the largest group in the knime forum.

But also there is a Spanish speaking community. Just as an additional resource:


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