CSV Reader Node - Mass Select/Unselect & Mass Type Setting

Hello to the team,
as small feature that would save us a lot of time (and frustration) is an option in the CSV Reader Node to

  • mass select or unselect all columns in a file
  • mass assign a data type to all or all selected columns

We use a lot of CSV files with 200+ columns, and when we want to read from them, even if we only need 3 of the columns, we need to manually click the check box for every single one of them, which takes A LOT of time.
Best regards,

Hi @schuppius
I totally agree with you. Actually, I believe unselect feature should exist in many places

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thanks for the great and just-in-time feedback. We are currently working on the new dialog for the CSV Reader and see whether we can consider this for the first iteration (internal ticket reference UIEXT-2164).

Thank you,