CSV Reader option to append file index

The new CSV Reader functionality to read data from multiple files in a folder is great! No need to use Table Row to Variable loops any more.

However, I noticed that the option Prepend file index to row ID is only available when Has row ID is selected at the same time. Is there a reason for this limitation?

I would like to suggest allowing an option to keep the source file information somehow (in the RowID, or in a separate column), even if the csv files do not contain a row ID in the data. Maybe I missed it and it exists already?

Hello @imagejan,

see here:


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Right now, you could use the default way and use a loop and you get what you want

Sure, I’ve been doing this for years, but hoped the “default” way could be without loops now, and potentially be a bit faster :wink:
But good to know it’s going to happen, thanks @ipazin for linking to the other topic.

Hello @imagejan,

in case you haven’t seen it with v4.4.0 you can add file identifier. Check above linked topic for more info.



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