Customize data apps in Knime business Hub

Hi everyone,

we are migrating to Knime Business Hub and We wonder if it is possible to customize the look of the data apps, we want to reduce the margin in the web Browser and maximize the content size.
we were able to do it in our legacy Knime server thanks to theming : . Is it possible to do the same thing on the Knime Business Hub? We saw in the documentation that we can customize profiles but only in Knime analytics platform and Execution Context.
thanks a lot for your help

Best regards

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Theming and branding of the KNIME Hub and data apps are a top priority for us. We’re aiming to introduce the ability to customise the logo on the KNIME Business Hub data apps portal with the release of Business Hub 1.13 or soon after (this feature is already available in the main KNIME Hub web app).

After that, we plan to expand theming capabilities, such as custom colors, to further enhance the personalisation of both the KNIME Hub and data apps. Given the strong demand for this, we are in the planning phase and hope to begin implementation soon.

I hope this provides clarity!