dashboarding with crossfilter

Dear Users,


I have been using knime for data preparation a lot and would like to generate webpages to present the results. Using quick forms I can interact with user input and would like to present the output of the calculation as an interactive dashboard (like BI-tools do, with crossfilter functionality) using the cloud server. What would be the best way to build such an application? Are there any examples which show these functionalities?

Hi marinj,

KNIME offers commercial extensions that help to build dashboards and interactive visualizations in general. These views can be displayed in the KNIME WebPortal which is part of the commercial KNIME Server extension or with the KNIME WebPortal extension. To have these views available in the web, you would need to collapse the node/nodes into wrapped metanodes and upload the workflow onto the server. Some example workflows are available on the EXAMPLES Server (reachable from KNIME Analytics Platform) under the following URL: knime://EXAMPLES/09_Enterprise/02_WebPortal.

If you want to know more about the KNIME commecial extensions, please contact sales@knime.com.

Hope that helps,



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