I have a report like
Category Name Salary
A ABC 100
A DEF 100
A GHI 50
B JKL 75
B MNO 80
C PQR 10
Using Data to Report
i want to generate excel file with 3 sheets for A,B & C and the same data getting displayed.
Using filter i have achieved for one category. How can i do for all categories?
Is it possible?
You can achieve this by wrapping the excel reader in a loop:
Variable Expressions is used to generate a path (saving to local workflow data area - i.e. data folder the workflow).
Sheet name is driven by Category variable which is automatically created by Group Loop Start.
Right now you’ll have to move the file after generation from the data area to avoid an error.
salaryloop.knwf (85.8 KB)
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Hi, Its about Data to Report Node, the one which provides the ability to make it into a pdf type report and specific formatting.
You talked about one excel with three sheets…