Database reader does not correctly interpret SQL "AS" Keyword


I currently use a database reader to get some data from a database. My statement contains something similar to:


SELECT t1.column AS columnA, t2.column AS columnB
FROM myTable t1, myTable t2


Unfortunately the database reader seems to be unable to process the SQL 'AS' keyword correctly. Both columns are not renamed in the KNIME output and I get the error:


ERROR     Database Reader     CODING PROBLEM    DataSpec generated by configure does not match spec after execution.
ERROR     Database Reader     DataSpec generated by configure does not match spec after execution.


Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround?


I tried with Oracle and it works with AS, the column names are replaced in the output table and I don't see any error. I am using KNIME 2.6.2 (64bit windows) and ojdbc14.jar, what is your setup? However, the Database Reader has an option "Run SQLquery only during execute, skips configure" that might become helpful. We are trying to keep the Database as general as possible, in some case and usually due to some database oddities, it might not work.

Try one of these

SELECT t1.column 'columnA'

SELECT t1.column AS 'columnA'

or the above with " in place of '
