Date to Month conversion: trying to convert date '2020-08-12' to Month 'Aug-20'

Knime Experts,
Please need a help, trying to convert date ‘2020-08-12’ to Month ‘Aug-20’

Welcome to the forum, @Pragadeshgp.

Some more context would be nice, but a basic approach to this problem would be to use the Date&Time to String node with the following Date format:


This assumes that your “2020-08-12” is actually in a KNIME date format.

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Thank you @elsamuel

Getting below message since its only a date ‘8/12/2020’

Dialog cannot be opened

The dialog cannot be opened for the following reason:
No column in spec compatible to “DateAndTimeValue”.


Please let me know which node i have to use.

Thanks again


Please ignore my last comment
as you suggested i have used “Date&Time to String” node with the following Date format:


It worked

Thanks a lot


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