Deployment workflow: How to provide a prediction for an unknown value

If the (name) of the university is part of the model you will not be able to get a result for unknown ones. Also you will have to be sure including such information would work for your model in the first place. Alternative would be to create a model without the specific name but with characteristics that would describe a university but also could appear in unknown ones.

How should the model ‘know’ about this unless you provide that as an information. It might only deduct it by the year (but that runs the risk of some tautology).

To be honest I still do not understand what you are doing. If the YES or NO is simply the question if the university has been checked you would not need a fancy model for that but just to check your old entries and see if a YES somewhere appears and if not it is a NO. That would be more of a rule (which also can be implemented via KNIME).

Maybe it is possible to upload some dummy data and your approach in oder to get a better idea about what is going on (maybe there are some free student data on Kaggle).