Dividing and splitting rows

I constructed a workflow that illustrates how you could do it. Basically you

  • first do it like in the example above you count down from the original TargetDay
  • the you expand the possible TargetDays by factor 3 (so you will have enough days once you start eliminating some in-between)
  • then you mark all days that are not suitable like holidays and weekends
  • the remaining ones you just join back by an iteration number and voila you have the new TargetDays

the yellow marked columns state why this day could not be used (Easter in this case). And the green column is the one with the new TargetDays

I constructed a separate workflow that extracts holidays for a given year from a website. But you could also use your own list. And for some countries you would have to decide if it is really a holiday where offices would be closed.

kn_example_extract_holidays.knwf (150.6 KB)

kn_example_split_tasks_into_days.knwf (211.2 KB)