Docker workflow export - error (de.NBI/CIBI Contributions)

Hi Folks,
Using the de.NBI/CIBI Contributions docker exporter I am getting the following error, on checking the log file (view/knime log) it doesnt tell me anything more. I have ran knime as sudo as suggested, i have also followed the advice from Export workflow into docker who had a similar problem.
I’m running ubuntu 18.04, is there anybody who could help out with this one, it would be much appreciated. Even an explanation of what ‘org.apache.cxf.jaxrs…’ interaction is with the workflow docker export would be useful.

ERROR DockerExportWizard KNIME project could not be exported.
Reason: Export of workflows did not succeed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.spec.ClientBuilderImpl cannot be found by de.nbi.cibi.docker_1.0.0.201806221309

I’m also seeing this problem. Seems like the JAX-RS are not being found.
Any solutions to this?

What’s also a bit strange is that you don’t seem to be able to specify a base image. The docs at state that you can specify this on the second page of the wizard, but I don’t see an option for this.


I am also having the same problem. Were anyone able to solve it?

this bug still puzzles me. Could you send me the log file? I would like to see what is going on.
@tdudgeon I see the base image option under “Export Options”, the second page of the export wizard. Can you try resizing the window. Maybe it is hidden behind the bottom button bar?
Kind regards

The only log message I get is:

ERROR DockerExportWizard KNIME project could not be exported.
Reason: Export of workflows did not succeed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.spec.ClientBuilderImpl cannot be found by de.nbi.cibi.docker_1.0.0.201806221309

If I resize the window, I do see the option to specify the base image, with the following default value: ibisba/knime-workflow-base:4.1.0

Hi @harregui,
thanks for your response! Good to hear that the base image can be made to show up. But strange that the window does not resize automatically to the required size.
Could you share your KNIME Log, which you find under View -> Open KNIME Log? This should contain more information about the error. If you don’t want to share it publicly let me know and I send you a PM.
Kind regards

Hi @AlexanderFillbrunn,
This is the whole log file, I see another error here: " ERROR : Clear OSGi configuration : : InvokeInstallSiteAction". I don’t know if it may be related.

knime.log (34.4 KB)

Thanks a lot

thanks for the log. At first sight I don’t see anything sticking out here, unfortunately. I will investigate further and let you know here in case I find anything.
Kind regards

Sorry for slow response - was no getting emails!
Here is a log file. Doesn’t contain much.
knime.log (1.5 KB)

Hmm, really not much information to work with. I will have to talk to some other developers to see if they have any idea what is going on. Sorry that there has been no progress so far.

The error suggests that the JAX-RS libraries are needed but not present.
Is there a workaround that get’s these to be loaded?
Is this extension working for other people?

Does anyone have a copy of by any chance?? it seems that the page is not available anymore. The link takes directly to KNIME hub but not trace of the original tutorial. thanks!

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