ERROR X-Aggregator Error Execute failed: Loop Head claims this is NOT the first iteration but the tail believes it is?!


Does anyone know what this error message  means

ERROR X-Aggregator Execute failed: Loop Head claims this is NOT the first iteration but the tail believes it is?!


I am doing a cross validation and am trying to figure out this error messgae



Just a guess, the loop head is executed and all nodes in between have been configured. In order to reset the whole loop, the loop head has to be reset manually. Hope this helps?

thanks but hmm 

hoe does one rest the loop head manually

thank you

How does one reset the loop had manually

ok got it -- thanks

hopefully it will work this time

appreciate the help

If the X-Partitioner is green, you just right-click the node and select 'reset' from the context menu. Alternatively, you can select this node and go via the Node menu or button palette in top bar.

Thank you .

The reset did the trick and the workflow is running.

I have an aggregator at the end and it is running a while. During the running I get the following


WARN  TableContentModel Exception while setting new table.


Not sure why that is, however it still is running. Is there a way to know if he workflow is caught in an infinite loop or is that not possible.


I am new to knime and just don't know how long it takes. Is it possible that due to the exception, it is reparsing the data. its been running for over a half hour.

