Errors encountered when perfoming Airgap installation of plugins

I was trying to install the “Knime AI Extension” under the KNIME Lab Extensions in an airgap env. So i followed the instructions to download the “KNIME Analytics Platform Update Site” archive and loaded it as a archive zip file for extension installation.

I encountered further errors and i have also perfomed this step Create a New Python based KNIME Extension of the offline installation of python extensions and setup the environment variable KNIME_PYTHON_PACKAGE_REPO_URL to the folder with the downloaded packages.

When i try to install the “Knime AI Extension” under the KNIME Lab Extensions using the archive file method i still get the following errors. Any advice?

I thought this is a local install method, from the error code it seems like during the installation its still trying to reach out to the internet to download something.

Hmm. Can you do the following to check what the env variable looks like:

  1. open cmd
  2. type set
  3. this should list all environment variables and in that list you should find something like :

If the variable is there then validate that the path to the folder is correct.

Maybe you can post what exactly is shown there here - then we can take it from there.

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