I am playing around with the Expressions node. I want to nest 2 formulas inside each other. One replace formula, that overwrites basically a timestamp. Than - outside of this, a join formula that creates a new timestamp.
Here’s my expressions formula: join($["varDateTimeSelected_Arr[0]"],"T", regex_replace($["varDateTimeSelected_Arr[1]"], "[0-9]", "0"))
But other than expected it creates a pretty strange string with the T that separates date and time in the beginning. I don’t see a place where I have told it to do so.
Just so you know as I now realise my edit may sound a little condescending:
I initially fell into the same trap and had this topic moved to feedback incl. screenshots of the issue, a workaround for you and a WF that reproduces the issue :D.
Only accidentally I looked at the examples and realised it was a syntax topic ;-).
I obviously deleted the “incorrect” parts on my end during second edit.
the new Expression node supports concatenating strings using the “+” operator like $["ID"] + ": " + $["name"] + " ($" + $["price"] + ")", which likely is an easier option compared to using the join() function.