File Reader with many columns

I would like to use the file reader for a csv file with 10 lines, but 1000+ columns. (latest KNIME on Ubuntu 10.04,32bit, 2GB RAM, 512M Java heap)

The table never appears in the File Reader dialog. If I press OK, the following error message comes up:

In the Console:
WARN File Reader 0:0:1 failed to apply settings: Illegal config obj

The Error message on screen:
Invalid settings:
Illegal config object for file tokenizer settings (missing key)! Settings incomplete!

How can I load such a file?


Hi Christof,
Inofficial user suggestion of a dirty workaround:
Transpose file in source system or in 3rd party system outside of KNIME, read in transposed file and use the transpose node on the result to reach the desired state… For anything more sophisticated the KNIME crew will surely be able to provide more substantial help. :slight_smile:

Hi Christof,

I tried to reproduce it - but I was able to read in a 11000+ columns CSV file with no problems.
(KNIME 2.1.2 and WinOS though.)

One workaround to get the data into KNIME could be to manually change the column delimiter to “none” in the File Reader. That will cause it to read each line in one column. Then try separating the data with the “Cell Splitter” node.

If you can send me the file, I would be interested in seeing what it caused it to fail.


  • Peter.

P.S.: @Ergonomist, there are no “inofficial” suggestions - we are appreciating a lively user discussion. It is a user forum after all. Thanks for jumping in. - P.