Filter and export subsets of data based on an input file

Apologies in advance for the galactically stupid question. I have an excel spreadsheet of all customer transactions and want to create statements, by customer, in separate tabs of an excel spreadsheet. I am only interested in a handful of customers, a list of which I have in another excel spreadsheet. I have tried various combinations of variable loops, row filters, etc to filter the database by customer 1, export, filter by customer 2, export, but cannot get it to work. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Sounds like a case for the Group Loop Start node connected to the Excel Sheet Appender node (with a variable node attached to it to specify the Excel sheet name).

Maybe you can post an example or two of anonymized data just to be sure I’m understanding the issue correctly?

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Hi Snowy, thanks for the response.

Main database looks something like:

List of accounts is then:

SubEntityID and Account number are the common fields. So I want to import both, and then use the list of accounts I’m interested in to filter on one by one to extract the relevant transactions from the transaction listing, and write to excel on separate tabs - tab for customer A, tab for customer B, etc.

Hello @David_Green,

and welcome to KNIME Community!

After you read both files into KNIME you should use Reference Row Filter to leave only transactions from account numbers you are interested in. Then as @Snowy suggested use Group Loop Start node to process and create one statement in separate tab in each iteration.

Give it a try and if you’ll have more questions or will need example workflow drop a message here.



Done it! Many thanks to both! Got an empty table error to start with but a string manipulation node sorted that out. Reference Row Filter was a much more elegant solution than the variable I was trying to use. Thanks again.


Hello @David_Green,

glad to hear that!


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