FTP Connection Node

Has anyone been able to get the ‘FTP Connection’ node working?
Please share any experience in making it work.

Any others who tried to FTP out files but not using this node?
I know that a lot of users integrate Knime workflows with Python and other tools.

Have to finish this assignment!
It requires that I ftp out files.
Suggestions Please.

Hi @Shai,

what is your problem with the ftp nodes exactly?
Never had any serious problems with the ftp/ssh nodes.

Can you share what your config looks like? (just hide the server address)

*in most cases where the node did not work for me- the problem was the firewall/authorization
Did you make sure you can access the server manually e.g. with WinSCP?

I have done exact same thing with FileZilla before.
I am not sure what needs to be done to check outbound traffic.
Will research.

you can check with “telnet yourserver your_ftp_port” to see if you get though:
e. g. telnet 21


You are a champion.
I used ssh instead of ftp and it worked.
I’m totally new to this and every step is a learning.


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