Get Request problem "Response does not have a media type"

I want to call the WTO API, but I have a strange problem. It seems that Knime has a problem when this API returns the result as json.
When I call the API with this URL: and my API key: XYZ with Postman, it works fine. If I do the same in KNIME, the body is missing, status = 200 and I get the error message: ‘Response does not have a media type’.
I have already tried several additional request headers and nothing has changed. I have also tried a more specific API call with this URL, same problem:,008,012,016,020,024,660,028,032,051,036,040,031,044,048,050,052,112,056,058,084,204,060,064,068,070,072,076,096,100,854,108,132,116,120,124,136,964,140,148,152,156,170,174,178,184,188,384,191,192,531,196,203,180,208,262,212,214,218,818,222,226,232,233,748,231,918,234,242,246,250,258,260,266,270,268,278,276,288,292,300,304,308,316,320,324,624,328,332,340,344,348,352,356,360,364,368,372,376,380,388,392,400,398,404,296,408,410,414,417,418,428,422,426,430,434,440,442,446,450,454,458,462,466,470,584,478,480,175,484,583,498,496,893,500,504,508,104,516,520,524,528,530,533,540,554,558,562,566,570,807,580,578,512,586,585,591,598,600,604,608,616,620,634,642,643,646,659,662,666,670,882,678,682,686,892,891,690,694,702,534,703,705,090,706,710,728,724,144,736,740,752,756,760,158,762,834,764,626,768,772,776,780,788,792,795,796,798,810,800,804,784,826,840,888,858,860,548,862,704,092,876,887,890,894,716&p=default&ps=default&pc=TO,AG,AGFO,MI,MIFU,MA,MAIS,MACH,MACHPH,MAMT,MAMTOF,MAMTOTEP,MAMTOTTL,MAMTOTIC,MAMTTE,MAMTAU,MATE,MACL&spc=false&fmt=json&mode=full&dec=default&off=0&max=500&head=H&lang=1&meta=false

If I replace the fmt=json with fmt=csv I get something back, but in a ugly format.

Some ideas?

Thank’s a lot!

Hi @ESGKNIME , welcome to the KNIME community.

Unfortunately the URL for the API that you posted doesn’t give much in the way of clues without an authorisation token. Do you have a link to any documentation for this api that is viewable publicly so people can assist more easily?

Also, some quick questions that may also be useful for people helping you…

  • Which KNIME node(s) are you using for the API calls?

  • Is this a GET request?

  • What content-type / media-type do you expect the returned data to have?
    e.g. application/json ?

  • What configuration are you using in the KNIME node to access the api,
    e.g. are you setting Accept Headers?


Thank you for your response!

I’m using the get request node.
The API returns json or csv, I want to have json.

I have set Headers like Accept application/json.

I have called this api before to get some indicators. This worked fine.

The only header which is set here is for the API key and it works.

I have use the get request node several times before with different API’s but I have never had such a problem.

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The message indicates that the API is not returning a Content-Type header. You can verify this with Postman, it shows all response headers.

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Here you can see the headers. You are right.

The screenshot shows the request headers. However, the problem is supposedly in the response headers from the API.

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ah, sorry

These REST nodes behave very … academic. Entirely correct, yet not very pragmatic.

If you just want to do your request, you can try e.g. the HTTP Retriever from the Palladian nodes - it will not bother with missing headers and just return you the raw data. Convert it to a string then parse it to JSON and you should be settled:

Hope that helps!


works, thank you very much!
You never stop learning :wink:


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