Get the whole workflow flow information

Hi Koen,

(i'm a simple Knime 3.1 user) not sure if there's an option that prints in a simple-human way all the metadata node informations of the workflow, i haven't seen it... it could be an interesting future implementation for Knime developers i think...

anyway, you could try this:

when a workflow is created (local project) all the metadata informations and settings are stored into a physical directory of the Knime local repository (the initial path you choose when you start Knime). Here you can see all your project folders and subfolders with the node's names and their order of execution: you can read all the subfolders names, but pay attention that this order number is written once in the node name (when you drag and drop), so you must check first into the workflow that the node name number is exactly the execution order (it can be different if you add-deleted nodes during your project activity!).

There's also a file named "wokflow.knime". You can copy and open it with a text editor (eg. Notepad++) to see its content: you can find all the sequence of execution and all the node's names, under the tag

<config key="node_#"> (where # is the number of execution)

Sorry, it's a code, so this information has to be extracted from this file and re-edited to be "human". To do so you can import it and use the text and string-manipulation nodes...

the node description (if present) is under the code tag:

<config key="nodeAnnotation">
and you can find it in the file "settings.xml" in the specific node folder.

This is what i know for now,
hope it can help

