Getting an Error from a Workflow from the Examples Server (Simple Document Classifier)

Hi guys,

I am working with resume files and I wanted to use the available workflow in the Examples server to classify the documents but I am getting an error that I couldn’t figure out how to handle. The error comes at the "K Nearest Neighbor (Distance Function) node and here is what I am getting:

WARN K Nearest Neighbor (Distance Function) 3:71 Missing columns: “Split Value 1”, “Split Value 2”, “Split Value 3”, “Split Value 4”, … <96 more>.
WARN K Nearest Neighbor (Distance Function) 3:71 Missing columns: “Split Value 1”, “Split Value 2”, “Split Value 3”, “Split Value 4”, … <96 more>.

I didn’t really change anything in the example workflow. I just changed the document location.

The workflow is attached.

07_Simple_Document_Classification_Using_Word_Vectors.knwf (2.5 MB)

Hi cageybee,

There was an error: a wrong column was selected in the Word Vector Apply node. Now it’s fixed. Thank you for reporting the problem.
