Getting excited about KNIME 5.3...

Hey everyone,
Thank you very much for trying out the nightly build and discussing the new features! That’s exactly the kind of early feedback we need. Keep it coming :slight_smile:

I can answer a few of your speculations about the new expression node:

Thanks for your input! You are quite right, in the first iteration this shall be a modern replacement for String Manipulation and Math Formula nodes. We’re currently curating the list of available functions in the node and ironing out some kinks in the UI/UX. In the future we’d like it to be a full replacement for the Column (and Variable) Expression node and more.

The vision is that we’ll extend this from a single to multiple expressions very soon, but after the summer release. And yes, we want subsequent expressions to be able to use results from previous expressions.

We hear you, that’s very much aligned with our plans for the new expression node. We want to allow editing multiple expressions, as well as providing a way to easily review the results. Stay tuned :wink: