Getting started with node development

Thanks. I really don’t understand:

  • why an issue with git lfs should result in a corrupted file
  • how to ‘use’ git lfs (it’s installed, but how do I ‘use’ it to load a project in Eclipse?)
  • how to ‘ignore’ maven errors. I don’t think my ignoring them will make them go away.

I tried removing the maven nature. After the super-scary warning, nothing changed. Same POM error.

Since the problem is that the project won’t build, it’s not obvious to me why ignoring errors or removing maven would make it build. Obviously my ignorance of Eclipse is showing.

|Archive for required library: ‘org.knime.product/lib/tagsoup-1.2.1.jar’ in project ‘knime-product’ cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file|knime-product||Build path|Build Path Problem|

is saying “i tried to read the jar but its not a valid file” - if you have not properly installed or set up LFS, then when you checkout locally from a repository that has LFS dependencies, it leaves simply a small “pointer” file to what should be the LFS-based asset… (… and so, a “bla.jar” is not really a jar, but a git pointer.)

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I followed the instructions in It says:
“If you plan to use the Eclipse Git integration (EGit), you may skip this step.”

So I used Egit and assumed that either Egit would include git lfs, or that it would fall back to loading all repos and not need lfs.

Are you telling me that these instructions are incorrect, and a successfull install of git lfs is a prerequisite for developing with Knime?

I have no idea - i have never used Egit.

Egit supports git-lfs, otherwise it would not be mentioned in the setup guide.
However, it seems that the particular clone operation of this repo failed for you. I can recommend you to try the following things:

  • clone the repo again with egit
  • install git + git-lfs and clone the repo using the command line


Thanks, that makes it much clearer. That might be worth a note in the docs.

I never use the git command line, but I do sometimes use SmartGit and similar tools, so I guess that could be the problem. At least I know what to look for if something similar happens again. Thanks!