git version control of KNIME workflows

Hey Julian,

Thanks for the replies, I apologize for my delayed response. Figured I’d update here in case this is helpful for anyone else.

I have been using git and GitHub successfully for version control of my KNIME workflows! The way I have been doing it is to go to my command line and add the workflow folder, because each individual node is stored as a folder within that workflow folder, and git add on the workflow folder adds, deletes, or updates all the nodes that have changes. I have multiple workflow folders in the git repo, which is also the folder I use as the KNIME workspace, so I could probably just add the whole git repo each time, but I like having the control at the workflow level. Then I commit this and push it to GitHub. I haven’t rigorously tested it, but I have been able to load previous versions of workflows that are still functional, which is all I was looking for.

Recently I encountered the GitHub limit, apparently there is a 100MB limit for individual files, and if you reach that attempts to push to GitHub will fail. The data I work with are microscopy movies, which easily exceed 100MB, and I wasn’t careful about resetting the workflows because I thought the .gitignore would take care of not including the data itself under version control. I’m not an advanced git user, I really just care about using it for versioning as I’m building things in case I make some alteration that breaks things I can get back to a working version and understand how to fix things. With that, I just saved my current working workflows somewhere else, and burned the repo down by deleting the whole thing, and then created a new repo and added my latest working versions. I lost the previous versioning, which is OK for my case, but have versioning again going forward. I will be careful about resetting workflows before I commit and push from now on, and I will update here again at some point with my experiences.

  • Jeff