Google sheets Reader node read automatically a google spreadsheet file from Google Drive?

Hi @Mokrani

There is no node to list the files in Google Drive (yet), but if you want to realize this now, you should be able to do so with a workaround using REST nodes.

Authentication works like in this blog post, it describes how to access Google Sheets through using the REST nodes. You would have to adapt it to use the Google Drive API to get a list of your Files in Google Drive.

… I modified the workflow from the blog post a bit, and made it list the files sorted by modifiedTime. Then I filtered for Google Spreadsheets. The API has a lot more to offer, see Google Drive API (Especially: The list part). The results from that query can be fed in to the Google Sheets Reader node as flow variable.

See: google_sheet_and_drive_rest_api.knwf (254.3 KB)