Hello everyone.
I am trying to use the group loop to update/append new data to the Google sheets. The problem is the group loop is working but it only updates/appends the data to the tabs already present in the Gsheet, if there is a new data(grouped by country), the node fails. I am using the Google updater node.
I also found that that I can create new sheets using the Google appender node but it won’t actually append the data to the same tab and fails if the data is already there.
Background: Each month I get new data, for e.g I have Countries in 1 column and totals in another. I just want to append the new data to Gsheets every month but it fails if there is a new country using the Google updater node. Can anyone help me with this ?
For google authenticator you can use interactive instead of API, if you don’t have access to API keys.
Here is an example workflow: Excel:
Country dummy.xlsx (8.9 KB)
Gsheet group loop.knwf (91.8 KB)