GroupBy - Parameter [What is it used for?]


I was wondering if anyone could help explain what the parameter in the groupby function can be used to do? GroupBy is super useful but I’m wondering what other interesting things can be done with parameters.


Hi @geoffb,

Some aggregation methods have extra options. For example, if you choose “Median” as aggregation method, “Parameter” lets the user choose between “Lower middle value”, “Mean of middle values” and “Upper middle value” in order to select what to do in case of an even number of values.



Great thanks Aswin, is there anywhere I can find a list of the parameter options for the various aggregation methods?

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Not that I am aware of… :man_shrugging:

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no worries, hopefully somebody on here would know. It’s not urgent or anything, I’m just interested :slight_smile:

Hi there @geoffb,

I don’t think there is list of the parameter options for the aggregation methods available in GroupBy node.

Anyways with a quick overview of GroupBy node there seems to be “only” about 20 parameters. Possibly this could be added in Description tab in configuration of GroupBy node.


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Hi there @geoffb,

just to follow up on this one - feature request for documenting parameters has been made.


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