Help to use Python do insert variable in SQL code

@Aldemir you can export data from within the Python node as Flow Variables or as a dataframe (from a pandas dataframe). The code would look something like this:

import as knio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# bring your string to a Flow Variable
knio.flow_variables['var_txt_cbi'] = txt_cbi

# bring your content to a pandas data frame
output_table = pd.DataFrame({'column_txt_cbi':    [txt_cbi]})

# bring the dataframe back to KNIME
knio.output_tables[0] = knio.Table.from_pandas(output_table)

Question is would you need Python for what you want to do or are there KNIME nodes that also can do the transformation you want. In any case if you want to use more KNIME and Python it might be good to take a look at the relevant guides. Also I would recommend this sample workflow that presents examples for things you can do with KNIME and Python:

Also there is a Space on the KNIME hub with some more examples how to use KNIME and Python:

Data Transfer between KNIME & Python Just Got Faster

KNIME Python Integration Guide