Hive Connectivity Error "Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN"

I am trying to use Hive COnnector node in KNIME to connect to Hive on CDH 5.5 cluster with Kerberos setup and I am getting the below error.

ERROR Hive Connector 0:1 Execute failed: Could not create connection to database: Peer indicated failure: Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN

is this something related to Kerberos or it is a compatibility issue ?


I'm also having this problem when trying to use the Impala Connector, also on CDH 5.5 cluster with Kerberos setup.



Can anyone from Knime support help us in this topic please ?


the KNIME Big Data Connectors support LDAP authentication to connect to a secured cluster. If your cluster is secured with LDAP you simply have to enter your user name and password for LDAP in the Hive/Impala Connector dialog.

We plan to support Kerberos based authentication with the next release of the KNIME Big Data Connectors in July.



Hello Tobias,

What is about the progress to support Kerberos Authentification to the secured Cluster?

Is there any documentations or something like this?

Thanks You,


See the Spark Executor's installation guide on the download page

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